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The Arachnina is Nina's mech suit, which is half-robot, half-spider. It has all the weapons in the Cortex family arsenal, in particular a laser beam and a saw-blade. When Nina fought Crash Bandicoot with this arachnid terror, Crash used the robot against her by jacking it, and destroying the Doominator (in the PS game). To jack it you have to jack a Battler or a Rhinoroller to jack the Scorporilla and then use the Scorporilla to jack the Arachnina.


  • Light Attack Spidey Combo: The Arachnina attacks with its blades.
  • Special Attack Robotmize: The Arachnina folds up into a faster, more spider-like form and unleashes a Laser Blast.
  • Heavy Attack: The Arachnina throws it's saws at enemies like a boomerang.

GBA Version

In the GBA version of the game, it is NOT the last boss in the game. It retains its Heavy Attack ability (which is actually its only one) but doesn't need another titan to be stunned unlike the original version.

Mobile Version

In the mobile phone version of the game, the Arachnina had a different design than the console and GBA versions. It instead had 4 legs and walked like a real spider. Nina tried to get away with it after stealing the second mask, but Crash managed to damage Nina's machine, which caused an explosion.




  • Whenever Crash jacks Arachnina, you see Crash jumping on top of Nina and pushing her out of sight.
  • It is the biggest titan in the game.
  • Unlike the other titans, if you use the unlimited free kick, the Arachnina requires 2 kicks to stun it.
  • Its name is a pun on the word Arachnid, which is a class of joint-legged invertabrae animals like the spider. This titan actually resembles a robotic spider.
  • This is the fourth mech in the series: the first 2 being the red and yellow mechs from The Wrath of Cortex and the third being Mecha-Bandicoot.